Rio Vista FFA
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What is an SAE?

SAE stands for Supervised Agriculture Experience. These experiences are crucial in obtaining a complete agriculture education. Through participating in an SAE, students expand their horizons in exploring different career paths within agriculture. Students learn career specific skills outside of the classroom, while still being able to apply their academic knowledge in a real life setting. This allows for a smoother transition as the leave high school and move onto the real world.  

There are many varieties of SAEs. In order to differentiate between the different types of SAEs please refer to the examples below.  

Ownership/ Entrepreneurship: 

Ownership/entrepreneurship SAE will own the enterprise, supplies, and any other necessary equipment. Students will learn skills needed to contribute to the marketplace by providing goods or services. They will use skills such as proper sales techniques, impeccable customer service, and a solid work ethic. All goods or services provided must be agriculture related. 

Placement/ Internship 

Placement/ internship projects involve a student being placed with an agriculture related business in order to gain hands on knowledge about a specific profession. These internships can be paid or un-paid. Examples of this could be working on a ranch or with a veterinarian. 


Research involves the student to conduct agricultural related experiments using the scientific process in order to discover new knowledge to advance technology in agriculture. Students will verify and demonstrate learning about the scientific principles in agriculture Research SAE's can be entrepreneurial or placement. 





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