Rio Vista FFA
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About Us

The Rio Vista FFA Booster Club is a separate organization from the Rio Vista FFA. Our organization covers all students grades 3-12 who are participating members in the Rio Vista FFA. We are dedicated to helping the kids have a memorable year through raising the money for purchase such as new barn equipment and other essentials that may be needed. We inspire to bring people together and support and encourage the growth and development of the Rio Vista FFA Chapter. We correspond with Mrs. Brake-Baird and Mr. Jackson in order to ensure a smoothly ran operations, making things more beneficial for both parties. We do all that we do for the kids and supporting their journey in the agriculture industry. The Rio Vista FFA is a great organization to join if you are interested in becoming involved in supporting the junior and high school FFA members in providing a meaningful and enriching experience. We are looking forward to the 23-24 school year!

Dues to join are $20.00 per family 

If you have any questions involving membership and how to join please contact Jan Stanley at


 Website designed by: Wieghat Graphics